Kristan Seaford: A Story of H.O.P.E. And Resilience
Kristan's remarkable keynote message inspires with her story of H.O.P.E., the acronym she uses to explain and teach resilience.
Sharing examples from her survival and recovery, as well as her knowledge of counseling and psychology, Kristan shows audience members
how to tackle the obstacles in their own lives, be they personal or professional.
Kristan's genuine warmth, empathy, and sense of humor captures audiences and carries them on a journey through tears,
frustrations, happiness, success, and laugh-out-loud fun. By the end of their time with Kristan, audiences members are not only uplifted;
they feel ready and able to conquer struggles of their own.
This key message has been successfully molded for many varied groups: large corporations, small companies, healthcare institutions,
support groups, universities, high school, church events, women's groups. It is easily adaptable for your group as well.
Kristan Seaford: How Being an Athlete Saved my Life
Leading an active lifestyle is a large part of our overall health, which is a growing concern among Americans.
Doctors, insurance companies and employers alike are encouraging at least 45 minutes of activity most days of the week.
Kristan is a glowing example of the importance of athletics to our physical, mental, and emotional health. During this motivating and
riveting talk, Kristan outlines the importance of wellness and an active lifestyle, for the abled and disabled alike.
As a group exercise instructor and marathon runner, Kristan was in excellent cardiovascular health
at the time that she fell ill. Not only did this potentially save her life, but the characteristics she'd learned
as an athlete - determination, grit, and a competitive nature - helped her to recover and reach her
post-illness rehabilitation goal quite well, quite fully, and quite more quickly.
Since becoming disabled, Kristan has continued her active lifestyle, getting back to her old routines
and even trying some new ones like amputee distance swimming, alpine skiing, and even rock climbing!
When this talk concludes, participants will find themselves erasing excuses and racing to the gym.
Goal Setting
How do you do it? How have you gone from bed-ridden to jogging and from stranger to mommy in your toddler's life?
These are questions that Kristan is asked again and again. Her answer is "Goal Setting."
Always ambitious, and a bit competitive, Kristan has often benefited from setting goals and going after them like a wolf.
From high grades in school to qualifying for the Boston marathon, reaching one goal often gives confidence and
momentum for going after the next one!
"Why me?" "Why now?" "What have I done to deserve this?" "What kind of God would strike down a mother of five young children?"
"Why would He take away every activity that brings me joy - running and mothering just to start the list?"
These are all questions that have run through Kristan's mind at some point or another.
But the answers have only INCREASED Kristan's faith. This powerful talk, full of examples and personal vignettes,
outlines the ways God has worked and continues to work in Kristan's life. Appropriate for religious schools and
youth groups, women's groups, Adult Sunday School or Bible Study Classes, and fellowship groups.
Also works well for any groups that have an interest in Christian faith.
These talks come with a small fee or honorarium, negotiable upon request.
No man is an island. Kristan has not lived, and neither has she thrived, alone. Despite the western ideal of independence and personal success,
Kristan's story is one that proves the importance of collectivism. During her darkest moments, Kristan's relatives, school, church,
YMCA, neighborhood, and neighbors all helped care for Kristan's family during this stressful
and traumatic time in the Seafords' lives. The value of true friendship shines in this story of healing and hope;
and groups of any age, interest, or size will benefit from this talk that outlines the ways that community is key and then describes
how community is built and maintained. An optional, post-keynote breakout session will teach community-building and help
participants experience a bit of the joy that community can foster.
Of all the things that Kristan values, family is at the top of her list. It comes as no surprise then,
that her family has been instrumental in her healing and recovery. First and foremost, Kristan's dear husband
Brook stood by her side through many dark days in the ICU as well as the celebrations in the days thereafter.
Neither his hope nor his devotion failed her.
Kristan's children lifted her spirits as well - their pictures were hung in a row on her hospital room wall,
and they were her biggest incentives for healing and recovery through it all. Lastly, Kristan's parents, in-laws, and sisters chipped in
to help care for them day and night. Taken together, the all-powerful love shared by this family can overcome anything;
and this topic will wow any crowd.
But this speech will be especially moving for moms. Of all Kristan's life goals and dreams, being a mother topped the list.
When her ability to care for her family was threatened, Kristan lost her identity and her purpose. Women of all ages will both laugh
out loud and be reduced to tears during this moving speech about the challenges and the triumphs of being a mom with disabilities.
Including the Disabled
How can you or your organization better include people with disabilities?
Have you ever wondered what to say or do around someone who is disabled, or going through a loss?
Or better yet what "not" to do or say?
Kristan Seaford can answer some of these questions, and she'll help you ask even more important questions
around the topic of inclusion. As a master's level Licensed Professional Counselor,
Kristan knows the theory and study of dealing with differences and loss. As a newly disabled, white, educated woman,
she can speak to her personal experiences of what works and what doesn't. Using both perspectives,
Kristan helps her audiences better understand what it's like to be disabled as well as how to include
a diverse group of individuals with all kinds of differences. Through her warmth, empathy, openness, vulnerability,
and sense of humor, Kristan will have your audience sharing uncomfortable silences
as well as uncontrollable laughter -- the end result of which is a better understanding of disability.
For more information on how a speech can be written specifically for your audience, feel free to contact me.